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microscope root canal treatment 


Root canal is a ‘life saving’ procedure for severely decayed or damaged teeth. It is one of the most common dental procedures we perform in our clinic and this process can save your natural tooth and prevent the need for dental implants or bridges. As root canal specialists (endodontists) Dr. Vishwas and Dr. Shivani always use the latest techniques and materials including....

dental implants


Missing teeth can be embarrassing causing people to hide their smile and lose their self-esteem. The space created by missing teeth can cause the other teeth to shift and move out of place which makes it difficult to eat and speak. During the last 20 years, dental implants have become the best option for both dentists and patients alike to replace missing teeth. Since implants are natural looking and cosmetically appealing, not to mention fixed, they are used to replace single missing tooth and even for full mouth replacement. Hence, dental implants are the...

Porcelain laminates and veneers


Veneers are thin shells of porcelain that can be bonded to the surface of the teeth and dramatically improves and transforms your smile. They are extremely popular due to their simplicity and versatility as they can be used to change the shade and shape of the teeth and also to reduce the gap between teeth. Veneers enhance your smile by replacing and restoring lost tooth structure; not to mention...



To maintain healthy teeth and gums it is important to have regular check-ups and professional cleaning. In case you have sensitive swollen gums or your gums bleed when you brush , it is important to get a cleaning done by the gum specialist (periodontist).  If left untreated at this time, a chalky substance builds up on the tooth and stains it varying from yellow, brown and sometimes even black. This is calculus/ tartar and it provides the right environment for bacterial growth which causes gum inflammation (infection) and in some cases, irreparable damage/ loss to the underlying gum and bone. The purpose of cleaning and polishing is...

gum therapy / deep cleaning


If your gums bleed when you brush or floss or sometimes even when you eat, this is the early stage of gum inflammation called ‘gingivitis’. At this stage, having your dentist perform a routine cleaning and polishing will help prevent further gum infection. However, if you neglect your gums at this point, the infection spreads downwards and can cause breakdown of the supporting bone which eventually leads to increased mobility of the teeth. This is the stage at which there may be permanent and irreversible damage not only to the underlying bone and gum but can also...

tooth removal


Removal of a tooth is advised when there are no options left to save the tooth and extraction is required to maintain optimal oral health. Our Oral Surgeon will advise the removal of a tooth if it is extremely decayed or traumatized  where root canal is not an option, a wisdom tooth causing pain, wisdom tooth causing decay in the neighboring tooth and in certain...



Teeth stains are inevitable since we consume a wide variety of food and drink (coffee, tea, wine, food with strong colouring), due to certain medications and even genetics. Such stained teeth have an unhealthy look and directly affects our self confidence. The solution to this is teeth whitening which can instantly brighten your smile without damaging the underlying tooth. Teeth bleaching is often the easiest way to...

braces and invisalign

Few people are lucky enough to be born with perfectly aligned teeth. But for the rest of us we have a chance to achieve that through Braces or Invisalign. Crooked teeth can be a real problem, no matter how old you are. The biggest blow is to self-esteem because mal-aligned and unusually placed teeth are considered unattractive. Orthodontic treatment helps in the correcting teeth crowding, correcting your bite so that the upper and lower teeth meet evenly and also it improves your entire appearance. Braces and Invisalign are both very popular treatment options to achieve straighter teeth and a healthier mouth. Invisalign is the invisible way to straighten your teeth without braces. It uses a series of clear, removable aligners to gradually straighten teeth without metal or wires hence providing a discreet and convenient option for teens and adults with mild to moderate orthodontic concerns. An easy way to describe them is that “Invisalign are like contact lenses for teeth”

dental fillings


Chances are that you may need to get a filling / restoration at some point in your life because of cavities or tooth fracture/ cracks/ chip. Sometimes you may need to get your old dark fillings replaced to prevent tooth damage and remove black discolouration. At Summit Dental, we only use mercury- free and BPA- free tooth coloured composite resin materials to treat small to mid-sized cavities. Composite resins are high quality ceramic materials with high strength and durability as well as beautiful natural aesthetics. They can not only be used to treat cavities on posterior teeth but also…

dentures- full and partial replacement


Though many advances have been made in dentistry, loss of teeth is still an ongoing problem. In India, 26% of adults between the ages of 60-75 years have lost all their teeth. Full and partial dentures are removable options for people who have lost several consecutive teeth or even all the teeth in the upper or lower jaw. Using latest materials and techniques, we can replace your...

inlays and onlays


Inlays and Onlays are lab-made restorations that are placed on teeth when the amount of lost tooth structure is too large to be restored with a simple filling. These alternatives to dental restorations can be fabricated from porcelain or composite resin. The process of making inlays and onlays are similar to crowns but they are...

tmj / joint disorders


In our increasingly stressful world, headaches and joint pains are are on the rise. If you are experiencing regular headaches not responding to treatment, tenderness in your face, jaws, neck shoulder and back, pain while eating or difficulty in closing or opening your mouth; then you may require a thorough clinical evaluation and treatment for...