Removal of a tooth is advised when there are no options left to save the tooth and extraction is required to maintain optimal oral health. Our Oral Surgeon will advise the removal of a tooth if it is extremely decayed or traumatised  where microscope root canal treatment is not an option or when a wisdom tooth is causing pain, wisdom tooth causing decay in the neighbouring tooth and in certain orthodontic situations to correctly align the teeth. 

Tooth extraction is a quick and relatively simple process which involves removal of a troubling tooth under anaesthesia. The oral surgeon will first numb the tooth with a numbing gel and local anaesthesia followed by the use of special tools to gently pull the tooth out using back and forth rocking movements.  At this point, you may feel a little pressure but there is typically little or no pain during the procedure. Once the tooth is removed, the site is cleaned and closed up using stitches (sutures). The Oral Surgeon will then proceed to give you detailed post-operative instructions to ensure smooth healing.

The total recovery time following tooth extraction will depend on the tooth being removed and your overall health. You can return to work following extraction but will definitely want to take the day off so that you can relax and heal. You should avoid exercising and heavy lifting for 1-3 days following your procedure since this exertion can disturb the clot formation and slow the healing time. Following a wisdom tooth removal you may have slight swelling which can make you look different and cause difficultly in speaking for a few days. We will give you specific after-care instructions and medications which you should follow for the best possible recovery outcomes. 

shivani venkatesh