Missing teeth can be embarrassing causing people to hide their smile and lose their self-esteem. The space created by missing teeth can cause the other teeth to shift and move out of place which makes it difficult to eat and speak. During the last 20 years, dental implants have become the best option for both dentists and patients alike to replace missing teeth. Since implants are natural looking and cosmetically appealing, not to mention fixed, they are used to replace single missing tooth and even for full mouth replacement. Hence, dental implants are the ideal choice for improving function and cosmetic appearance following the loss of tooth or multiple teeth.

Dental implants are metal anchors which support artificial teeth. For most people, the placement of dental implants involves two surgical procedures. First, the implant is placed into the jaw bone and allowed to bond and osseointrgrate with the bone for the next three to six months. During this phase, you should be able to wear temporary denture and eat a soft diet. The second phase begins following the implant bonding wherein the surgeon will uncover the implant and attach a healing collar. Our crown specialist will simultaneously start making your new teeth. An impression must be taken- posts or attachments can be connected to the implants. The replacement teeth are then fabricated over these posts or attachments. The entire process usually takes six to eight months and most people do not experience any disruption in their daily life.


- The short answer is no. You will be completely numb during the process and will only feel mild pressure. As for the procedure, dental implants cause very little soreness. If you are nervous about your procedure, let us know and our dental team will offer options to help calm your nerves including oral medication.

Our implant specialist will conduct a thorough clinical examination and take a detailed medical history to ascertain if a dental implant is the right choice for you. Typically 3-D x-rays are required to plan the treatment. Most people are eligible for some type of dental implant procedure. Some may require additional procedures prior to the implant placement including bone graft and tissue regeneration when there is no substantial bone to support the dental implant. 

shivani venkatesh