ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT IN BANGALORE- How to handle braces emergencies at Home

When you get braces fixed- there is a chance you may encounter some discomfort especially during the first few weeks. So let us detail some of the issues you may encounter-

    1. MOUTH SORES/ ULCERS- Some people are already very sensitive to and develop ulcers frequently and any irritation from braces tend to exacerbate them. If you develop mouth sores on your cheeks, gums or tongue, apply a small amount of topical aesthetic directly on the area with a Q tip to get relief.

    2. BROKEN BANDS, WIRES or BRACKETS- If a band or a bracket is loose but still attached to the wire, do not attempt to take it out yourself and schedule an appointment with your dentist to get it seen as soon as possible. If it is touching any part of your mouth and causing irritation, apply some orthodontic wax / relief wax. If any component dislodges/ breaks- keep it safely and bring it to the dental clinic in the next appointment.

    3. POKING WIRE- When your teeth move during the treatment, it can cause the arch wire to move as well which can result in it poking near the back of the mouth. In such an emergency, use a sterile tweezer given by us in your Orthodontic kit to move it to a better spot.

    4. FOOD stuck between TEETH and BRACES- This isn’t an emergency but can be embarrassing or uncomfortable . Use a Water flosser/ Water Pit or even an inter proximal brush to dislodge the food and rinse well.

    5. TOOTH ACHE or LOOSE TEETH- Pressure is expected when the brackets are activated and can persist for a few days. If the pain is severe then a OTC painkiller should bring you relief. Even a warm salt water rinse is a good home remedy to relive soreness.

    6. POKING EDGES of ALIGNERS- Your aligners are usually custom fit with an excellent finish. However if you feel there is a sharp edge that is biting into your gums , then remove it immediately and smooth out that area lightly with a nail file. Schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon a possible.

shivani venkatesh