teeth whitening


Teeth stains are inevitable since we consume a wide variety of food and drink (coffee, tea, wine, food with strong colouring), due to certain medications and even genetics. Such stained teeth have an unhealthy look and directly affects our self confidence. The solution to this is teeth whitening which can instantly brighten your smile without damaging the underlying tooth. Teeth bleaching is often the easiest way to transform your smile and appearance. This can be done in less than an hour- in time for a special event or just as part of your regular oral health routine.


1. What is teeth bleaching?

- Bleaching can be done in our clinic or even at-home. In-office whitening is the most effective with visibly brighter teeth within a day. Before starting your aesthetic specialist will first use a custom shade guide and record the current shade of your teeth. This is followed by teeth cleaning and polishing to remove plaque and superficial stains. Your gums and soft tissue are then protected and the bleaching agent is applied on your teeth. The whitening agent is activated using a laser light or curing light which causes the whitening by a bubbling action. The entire procedure may last 30-60 minutes with occasional re-application to achieve the desired shade. Some people may require additional visits till they are happy with the final shade of the teeth. 

We also offer at-home whitening treatment for people to maintain their bleached shade. This method is relatively inexpensive compared to the in-office procedure but the results are not as quick and maybe take a week or more of continuous usage to achieve the desired result. For at-home whitening we first will take an impression of your upper and lower teeth and make customised bleaching trays. You will be provided with the trays and bleaching gel along with step- by- step guidelines on how to use them.


2. How long do teeth remain white?

- The bleaching effect varies among individuals (lifestyle and dietary habits). No whitening technique is permanent and results may vary from six months to two years. Regular touch-ups maybe required to maintain the brightness. 


3. Does tooth bleaching cause permanent tooth sensitivity?

- Sensitivity following a whitening procedure is always transient and usually disappears within one or two days. Our dental team will give you detailed post- care instructions to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible including prescribing medications if needed.


4. Is teeth bleaching safe?

- Yes! Many long term studies have proved that tooth whitening is safe and there is no permanent damage caused to the enamel or any other part of the underlying tooth. Our aesthetic specialist will explain the procedure and consequences in detail before you get your teeth bleached. 


5. Does tooth whitening work on all teeth?

- Sadly all teeth and all types of stains cannot be treated by bleaching. In case the discolouration is caused by certain medications or tooth injury, bleaching will not give you the desired results. Pre-existing fillings, veneers and crowns also cannot be bleached since whitening only works on natural tooth surfaces. The good news is that you have other treatment options available in such cases- veneers, cosmetic bonding/ fillings and crowns. Our aesthetic specialist will perform a thorough clinical examination and will be able to recommend the best method to achieve a whiter and brighter smile.